All-ArtNFT Liquidity pools and license rights running on Solana.
All-Art Protocol is the new standard for NFT AMM Liquidity Pools and Art NFTs running on Solana blockchain. The All-Art protocol provides constant liquidity for NFTs by introducing a new type of liquidity pool AMMs, while upgrading the current NFT standard with improved functionalities and embedded license rights called NFT-PRO.
The NFT market, operating as it currently is, is unsustainable and has no room to grow. It's time for a change. The new infrastructure must be substantially better to transform the status quo and move the art market forward. Art must become a liquid asset class. Transaction fees must be cheap. Transactions must happen almost instantaneously. Energy consumption must be minimal. Registered art on the blockchain must be compatible with established regulations and copyright law. Collectors must be able to benefit from purchased art beyond speculatory trading.
AmmArtNon-Fungible TokenSolana