Andre OgleSoftware Developer at API3.
André Ogle is JS/Ruby/Elixir Developer at API3. Card carrying member of the 1000lb club.
I’ve loved computers since my family got our first computer when I was six years old. I knew straight away that my life was always going to involve computers one way or another.
I’ve been working with ASP.NET since I started at the University of Cape Town, although my experience with programming extends a little further back to 2006 when I first took computer programming as an extra subject at high school (where we used Java). While in my third year of studying, my systems development team won the Design 4 Development award at Microsoft Imagine Cup South Africa 2011. I was the lead developer on this project.
Since graduating, I’ve been more motivated than ever to learn everything I can to do with technology and computers. I’ve learned Ruby on Rails in my spare time, after which I completed a website project with a friend for a company offering automatically generated quotations for storage space and waste removal – of which I did the entire Rails backend. I also taught myself to use Git and GNU/Linux, which I use at home.