Animal VenturesConnect forward-looking companies to the most transformative technologies.
An agency of innovation that partners with other animals to create, implement, and invest in some of the most exciting and emergent technologies.
Animal Ventures is an agency of innovation that partners other animals to create, implement, and invest in some of the most exciting and emergent technologies. We educate the world's leading executives and together we rapidly prototype, build, and design new ideas. We live to nurture—from the ground up—some of the greatest companies on Earth.
The "anima" in "Animal" refers to "a living being" from a Latin form meaning, "of air, having a spirit, living" which in turn comes from another form meaning, "breath of air, air, soul, life." At Animal Ventures, we emphatically prioritize culture over company. We believe that the best companies in the world invest in people, because these people will build institutions that thrive and survive the sands of time. We believe culture is the prioritization of life, and life is simply the act of living. The culture we embody is firmly rooted in the celebration and appreciation of something we call Lifestyle Design. We believe our community is at its absolute best when all around us are given the opportunity to experiment with how to become the best version of themselves. We are disciplined, magnanimous, and nimble Animals — members of a growing movement to be slower, calmer, and more purposeful in our day-to-day lives — we welcome the Animal Lifestyle.
Traditional VC