Iuri MatiasLead Developer of Status Embark.
Lead Developer of Status Embark. Developer at Ethereum. Passionate for Ethereum, Bitcoin, and client-side development. Decentralization is my passion. Opinions are my own.
Development of Decentralized Systems using Blockchain Technology. Smart Contracts, Cryptography and CryptoEconomics. Creator of the Embark Framework.
Languages: Solidity (Ethereum, Embark Framework), Javascript (NodeJS, ReactJS); Previous Experience in: C / C++, C#, Python (Tensorflow), Ruby (Ruby on Rails).
Frameworks, libraries, SDKs: Blockchain: Embark, web3.js, Tendermint; Web & Backend Development: NodeJS, ReactJS, Ruby on Rails; Mobile Development: React Native; Machine Learning: Tensorflow.
Operative Systems: Linux, Mac OS. Editors: VIM (preferred), Sublime Text, Eclipse Experience with deploying and managing infrastrures at Amazon AWS, Rackspace & Heroku.