Kyber VenturesKyber Ventures 成立于 2019 年,是总部位于新加坡的 Kyber Network 的风险投资部门。 该公司寻求投资加密货币和去中心化区块链初创公司。
Kyber Ventures 是 Kyber Group 的投资部门,Kyber Group 是一个专注于 Web3 技术的集团,拥有受欢迎的产品,包括领先的 KyberSwap DEX 和一体化非托管 web3 钱包 Krystal。 Kyber Ventures 由一位 OG web3 构建者创立和运营,希望支持企业家打造去中心化世界的下一个巨头。
Kyber Ventures 旨在分享我们多年来在该领域建设的见解、经验和联系,以帮助新项目和新创始人取得成功。 我们对从技术设计、产品定位、品牌推广、业务发展到社区建设的各个阶段的项目采取稳健的实践方法。
Launched on April 21st, 2021 and based in Saint Kitts and Nevis, The Pablo Token makes use of Deflationary and Redistribution mechanisms to mitigate the downward price volatility that is generally associated with cryptocurrencies. Using mechanisms such as burning and buy backs, tokens are consistently removed from the total supply, thereby increasing the value of the remaining tokens. The scarcer Pablo Token becomes, the higher its desirability in the market; there will never be more Pablo Tokens in circulation than there are today.
There is a 11% total tax on every transaction
2% for marketing wallet
2% for reflexion rewards
2% added back into the liquidity pool as BNB
2% charity wallet
2% burned
1% for the “equalizer” wallet that will be used to buy tokens and burn them to combat selling pressure.
The Pablo Token believes in “paying it forward” and giving back at the grassroots level. Pablo Token achieve this by holding regular giveaways and supporting those that need it most. Be a part of something bigger than yourself with The Pablo Token!