Peter KacherginskyPrincipal Blockchain Security Engineer at Coinbase.
Cryptocurrency, Reverse Engineering, Malware Analysis, Exploit Development, and other security topics.
Driven, creative, and experienced security professional pushing the boundaries of the information security field through continuous research, development, and innovation. Currently interested in the intersection of cryptocurrency and security.
Specialties: Blockchain and Smart Contract Security, Malware Analysis, Reverse Engineering, Vulnerability Research, Exploit Development, Penetration Testing, Incident Response, Red Team, Web Application, Mobile Security, Network Security.
Development: Python, Assembly (x86, x86_64), C, C++, Ruby, and anything that comes along.
Tools: Truffle, Remix, Neutrino, Chainalysis, IDA Pro (Plugins, IDC, IDAPython), Immunity Debugger (immlib), OllyDbg, WinDbg (PyKd), gdb, Scapy, Metasploit (custom modules), Burp Pro, Nmap (NSE), Nessus, WebInspect, Appscan, ArcSight, SourceFire, etc.