The SandboxUser-generated voxels video game based on the Ethereum blockchain.
The Sandbox is a virtual world that allows users to create 3D objects, own them and make a profit off of them. The project gives players complete ownership of everything they create in the virtual world as they aim to change the way traditional gaming works where the platforms control and own the content generated by the players. The company has already published a traditional version of The Sandbox which doesn’t include cryptos and it has been downloaded more than 40 million times. The whole project has a rather vibrant and massive community and is looking to improve by utilizing blockchain technology and allowing their players to monetize their content. The protocol uses its native SAND tokens to make everything run smoothly.
Because game items are tokenized as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), players can transfer their assets from one game to another, retaining digital scarcity, security, and authenticity. This enables gamers to receive significant benefits for their creations and achievements.
GamesNon Fungible TokenPolygon